New flexible booking policy
To put your mind at ease for your future tours with Blue Dolphin Marine Tours, we have updated the terms & conditions to allow for free amendments to your tour booking.
This will apply to all existing bookings prior to 12th of June 2020.
Additionally, we are available to assist with any questions you may have, to reschedule your booking, or provide a gift card/credit if you cannot travel.
What are we doing to minimise the risk of COVID-19?
We have always had stringent and rigorous hygiene standards, cleaning procedures and health and safety practices. During this time, we have stepped our practices and procedures up even further.
Our staff has been briefed and trained on appropriate hand hygiene and sanitising practices. We will continue to monitor and maintain these practices in accordance with the health advice to ensure we maintain these to the highest standards.
All our operations have increased vessel and vehicle cleaning procedures and practices. Hard surfaces (such as tables, handrails, door handles, counters etc.) are being cleaned more regularly to minimise the risk.
Where possible we have made additional hand sanitisers and cleaning stations available to our customers and staff to exercise good hand/hygiene practices. We have also placed hygiene communications in our vessel and vehicles from the relevant health authorities.
In the unlikely event that a customer or staff member presents with symptoms, where possible we will supply them with a mask and follow the instructions and recommendations from the Australian Government Health Department. Click here for more information.
What can you do to minimise the risk?
Practising good hand and sneeze/cough hygiene is the best way to minimise the risk from COVID-19. You should:
- Wash your hands frequently with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, before and after eating, and after going to the toilet.
- Cover your cough and sneeze, dispose of tissues, and use alcohol-based hand sanitiser.
- If unwell, avoid contact with others. Consider deferring travel and seek healthcare advice.
- Exercise personal responsibility for social distancing measures.
If you are feeling unwell or want more information on the recommended personal control measures, visit